Specifications,price of real me 1
Specifications of Real me 1
Real me 1 has launched in the market and it has great specifications at a budget price Real me 1 is powered by oppo actually it is a sub brand of oppo
Below there are specifications of Real me 1
1: Real me 1 comes with a latest powerful processor Mediatek helio p60 it is a AI powered processor. It is the main highlght of this mobile.
2: This mobile has face unlock
3: This mobile comes with two varients 4GB ram and 64GB internal memory for ₹10,999
And 6GB ram and 128GB internal memory for ₹13,990 (It is cheapest 6GB ram smartphone with great specifications)
4: This mobile has 13MP back camera and 8MP front camera.
5: This mobile has a unique shiny back panel.
6: It runs upon the latest android version android Oreo (android 8.1)
7: It has 3410mah battery
Purchase link of real me 1-Click here to buy real me 1
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Specifications,price of real me 1
Reviewed by GEEKY HEMANT
August 02, 2018
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